The Burton Family Foundation supports a diverse range of organizations focusing on education and human services in Arizona. We seek to make thoughtful investments in people and programs ready to take their work to the next level by helping organizations grow and expand their reach. We aim to provide support with our grants where there is the most need and love to partner with changemakers taking innovative risks.
Celebrating Milestones of
Impact and Growth
The Burton Family Foundation is established as a supporting organization of the Arizona Community Foundation and begins work in Arizona.
2015 Total Grant Awards: $450,000
The Foundation awards a grant to launch the Beat the Odds School Leadership Academy, which provides executive leadership training to current and aspiring school and district leaders across Arizona.
2016 Total Grant Awards: $891,000
The Foundation provides a grant to Year Up Arizona, expanding the DACA initiative to provide tuition assistance and emergency support funding to DACA students participating in Year Up Arizona programs.
2017 Total Grant Awards: $2 million
The Foundation launches a partnership with Arizona State University's College Assistance for Migrant Program, providing housing and technology support to program participants.
2018 Total Grant Awards: $2.2 million
In support of Phoenix Union High School District’s Black Student Union, the Foundation awards a grant to provide ACT test prep programming and fund an annual visit to Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
2019 Total Grant Awards: $1.8 million
The Burton Family Foundation launches a partnership with Valleywise Health and provides a grant to support refugee health services.
2020 Total Grant Awards: $1.8 million
To help improve literacy rates for young students in Maricopa and Pinal counties, the Foundation begins a partnership with Read Better Be Better for early literacy support.
2021 Total Grant Awards: $7.5 million
The Burton Family Foundation grows with a new gift, and expands its grant program.
2022 Total Grant Awards: $5.8 million
The Burton Family Foundation Summer Health Institute is launched in partnership with Creighton University and Arizona State University, introducing high school students across Arizona to health care careers.
2023 Total Grant Awards: $11.5 million
Applying for a grant
To apply for a grant, follow this three-step process:
1. Find out if your work aligns with our funding priorities by filling out the form below.
2. If your organization’s work does align, you may submit a Letter of Intent via the Arizona Community Foundation’s grants portal (note that you will need to create an account if you don’t have one already).
3. Once your Letter of Intent is submitted, our team will review the request and let you know if you are invited to submit a full application for consideration.